The journey of creativity for Nadine began in 1992, when, after leaving a job as a decorator, she embarked on a quest for a stage in the audiovisual field. Her earliest forays into video occurred at the APA (Association Prospectives Audiovisuelles) in Strasbourg, under the mentorship of director Mariette Feltin. Serving as production secretary for Marc Guérini's feature film "Le nerf du temps" (1993) and production assistant for Mariette Feltin's video "Krokos" (1994), Nadine swiftly found her footing in the realm of visual storytelling.

For several years (1992-1999), Nadine honed her skills as an assistant editor for F3 Alsace television studios. It was during this time that she encountered a young artist specializing in special effects and animation, Thomas Dirsch, whose collaboration would prove transformative. Together, they co-created and produced five animated short films, including "Le Tapis" (1994), which garnered accolades at festivals across Europe, and "Zeist der Wüste" (2005), honored at the Frankfurt Animation Film Festival and selected for the Toronto Film Festival.

In the early 2000s, Nadine embarked on a path less traveled, engaging with diverse communities outside traditional artistic realms. Collaborating with teenagers from challenging neighborhoods, she produced the award-winning music video "On lâche pas l'affaire" (2000) at the "Ciné Cité" festival in Paris. She also ventured into psychiatric hospitals and juvenile detention centers, creating poignant works such as "Dédale et Icare" (2006-2007) and "La conscience" (2010), showcasing the transformative power of art in unconventional settings. From 2009 to 2015, Nadine created "poetic" videos designed for live performances, including "Mémoire pour l'oubli" (2009) and "Godard Première" (2010)

Simultaneously, Nadine lent her talents as a production assistant for Michel Meyer's mid-length film "Je hais les artistes" (France) and Clemens Anders' short film "Rythm changes" (Germany). She co-authored an interpretation of the "Nibelungen" with Thomas Dirsch and delved into the realm of music videos, collaborating with artists such as Serge Bringolf and Fawzy al Aiedy.

A fateful encounter with Adriano Iurissevich during the filming of "Capro Espiatorio" sparked a prolific collaboration, resulting in multiple music videos, including "Bar" (2013), "Non m'illudo" (2013) and “Natale” (2017).

In 2017, Nadine embarked on her most ambitious project yet – the production of her debut feature film, tentatively titled "LA TESTA STORTA." (eventually “Comment ça va aujourd’hui?”) Co-written with Adriano Iurissevich, Nadine not only directed and handled cinematography but also portrayed the role of Hilde. The film, a French-Italian co-production, promises to be a testament to Nadine's multifaceted talents and creative vision.

Follow Nadine on Facebook and Instagram.