Hailing from the picturesque city of Venice, born in 1976, Stefano embarked on his musical journey at the esteemed “B. Marcello” Conservatory of Venice, under the tutelage of Maestro Giovanni Bacchi. In 1995, he emerged with top honors, graduating in Clarinet performance.
Fuelled by his passion for diverse musical expressions, Stefano pursued further studies in Jazz, immersing himself in the vibrant sounds of Pietro Tonolo, Marco Micheli, Corrado Guarino, and Enrico Fazio, eventually obtaining his Jazz degree in 2003.
A seeker of musical wisdom, Stefano delved into masterclasses led by the esteemed Maestro Fabio Di Casola, refining his craft under the guidance of Maestro Corrado Orlando.
Embracing a myriad of musical genres including jazz, Balkan, popular, classical, and contemporary cultured music, Stefano embarked on a multifaceted musical odyssey. Along the way, he crossed paths with luminaries such as Tullio De Piscopo, Heinz Holliger, and Antonio Pappano, among others.
In 2000, Stefano co-founded the Quartoinfolio quartet, a creative laboratory where diverse musical ideas converge, woven together by the thread of jazz. With Dario Zennaro on guitars, Andrea Zennaro on tuba, and Davide Michieletto on drums, the quartet released their debut album "QIF" in 2006, showcasing their innovative fusion of musical styles.
A regular collaborator with esteemed artists such as Tullio De Piscopo, Daniele Labelli, and the Daniele Vianello 5tet, Stefano is also known for his prowess in sound recording, partnering with Davide Michieletto and Zvuk Rec Studio in Venice.
His performances have graced renowned concert halls and theaters worldwide, from the majestic Teatro La Fenice in Venice to the prestigious Tokyo Opera City in Japan, leaving audiences enraptured by his musical virtuosity.
With each note he plays, Stefano continues to captivate audiences and push the boundaries of musical expression, cementing his legacy as a versatile and accomplished musician on the global stage.